Doom 2 level 28
Doom 2 level 28

Along the walls hit each switch to lower the platforms, after a few laps grab the rocket launcher and kill the mancubi. Start the level by running around with the super shotgun taking pot shots at each mancubi, try to hit each one an equal number of times to lower their health.

doom 2 level 28

If you do not kill all of the arachnotrons fast enough you will likely not finish the level. The level exit is only reachable after all arachnotrons have been killed, this is normally not a problem on any difficulty except on nightmare. After the red key things become easier, make your way to the yellow key, once you pick it up a shortcut will open up from the start to this area so death is not game ending at this point. If you do not complete this first try you will have to restart the level as all the platforms containing enemies will have lowered. The red key, only attempt this area if you have more than 40 health, otherwise let yourself die and come back. Quickly get the blue key, if you fail at this restart the level. Once the elevator starts moving up face left, once the elevator is at the top jump through the gap to the switch. Get on it and head to the right corner facing the arachnotron, it will be unable to hit you while staring here. First make your way around the left side clearing the shotgun guys until you get to the elevator. Oh boy, this level can be quite the pain to finish, expect to die a lot while making some progress. The red and blue keys are the most difficult rooms in the level. You can die as much as you need to here as enemy respawns seem to be at a low in this room. From the start head into the red door on the right, clear the chain gunners on the ledges before trying to finish the level as they will make your life a nightmare. Once you have the red key you are home free. Once clear, hit the switch in the upper room and make your way to the side rooms. Take your time down this hall as running in meaninglessly wastes dropped weapons and time. After several seconds check the hall and kill them if they are close enough. Hide in the room for a moment to let them move towards you.

doom 2 level 28

Start off by opening the door in the starting room, shoot down the hall at the chain gunners to attract their attention.

doom 2 level 28

Once you have the jump down the rest of the level is easy.

doom 2 level 28

Once you have the blue key you are home free.īefore even attempting this MAP watch the video, more specifically the jump at 04:07-04:10, you will need to perform this jump in order to move forward as this level is insane if you do not. The same applies to the blue key, take your time (not too much though) down the hallways killing them. Take them out one by one and grab the key. Another straight forward level, getting the red key can be tricky as here is a lot of shotgun guys waiting for you here.

Doom 2 level 28